Tuesday, February 27, 2018

The Do's of Digital Literacy

Over the past year, I have been working on changing digital citizenship and information literacy from a set of rules and don't to a set of do's.  It is important to me that we provide students with ideas of what they can do... what is possible... rather than a list of what they shouldn't do.  Much like telling your friend not to look down.  The first thing we do is look down.  It is much more helpful to give your friend something to focus on to get over a fear or accomplish a task.

What is Digital Literacy?

  • Digital Citizenship - how to behave in a digital world
  • Information Literacy - how to access/utilize the information available
  • Digital Literacy = Digital Citizenship + Information Literacy - The ethics that allow us to build on the ideas of others and create something awesome in a digital space.

When students in our district log in to their chromebooks, they are taken to this homepage.  I wish I could say that these were created by me.  The idea was mine, but much of the execution was completed by our team of educators.  Their aesthetic and ability to find more powerful verbs is a gift I know I lack.  Please click through and see that they have transformed digital literacy into something that is truly inspirational for our students.

Please feel free to give us more ideas and you are more than welcome to ask for a copy of the google slides, brand them to your own district, and use where you would like.  The area of focus on the right is based on the scope and sequence of digital citizenship curriculum provided by CommonSense.org.

Currently, this resides on our student homepage, but we are working on a campaign where these would be transformed into bookmarks, posters, and other media to further our mission to infuse positive digital literacy into the culture of our schools.